ST-2315 Softwash


SKU: ST-2315 Softwash QC Category:


No more fragile soft wash guns! Use your lances and other attachments as needed!  No more leaking hot SH on your arms!

Ceramic ball in valve is highly resistant against nearly all soaps and acids. Easiest opening and holding trigger, requires nearly half the effort of the other rear-entry guns. Proper spray angle for optimal positioning of pressure points. Forged brass housing for maximum strength. The Easy-Pull trigger is designed for operators and applications with high-volume of trigger cycling.  Pressure: 5000 PSI Temperature: 300° F Flow Rate: 12 GPM Inlet: 3/8″ FPT Outlet: 1/4″ FPT

We convert the bottom to a 1/2″ Quick Connect or Threaded Connection for use with your soft wash system.